Monday, July 19, 2021

being in The Dark

Whatever the shape “our universe” (our?) is—Klein bottle, say?— its expansion isn’t happening in 4-d (space-time). It’s happening in greater dimensionality, which We’ll never know, never comprehend.

Like a balloon inflating in 3-space over time is an expanding 2-space surface through 4-d space-time (perpendicular to the 2-d balloon surface), the surface of the Klein bottle trope is 4-d space-time itself expanding in greater dimensionality (incomprehensibly), perpendicular to space-time, as if “The” Universe is emergent cold clearing in quantum foam (among other Universes?).

Ultimately, We’ll never know why there’s anything rather than no Universe—a fate we share with flowers.

But they’re never chilled to their heart that “I” is.

Meanwhile We, like honeybees, design Our scale of appreciation—yet, We want vastly more than any other form of Earthan life: evolving reason to live, evolving appreciability.